Build. play. learn.


Help your students learn by doing! We make blockchain and cryptocurrency understandable by combining theory with hands-on practice.

Here’s what your students will learn with Bloxxgame:

The Wallet

Receive and send coins.

Understand how coins get from the blockchain in your wallet and why it can take a while. Use keys to sign transactions, hash data, derive the wallet address from the keys, and much more…

The Wallet

Understand how a blockchain is organised.

Explore the content of blocks and transactions using drag & drop. See how the chain grows, what a fork is and how transactions move from the mempool to the blocks.

The Miner

Create new blocks on the blockchain and mine new Bloxxcoins.

Students will learn how to build the blockchain with transactions and blocks. They will soon be very excited to mine new coins that will appear in their wallets.

The Players

Invite your students to your blockchain playground.

Each student gets an alias, a wallet with a private and public key and an address. You can authorise who can join your class and have an overview of the activities and wallets of all your students.


Start your own chain and invite others to your blockchain.

With your Master’s licence, you are the host for your students. You can set up a playground and invite them to take part in your lessons there. You can define many features of a blockchain, change the user level for everyone, make it harder or easier to mine new blocks and much more. You can restart your blockchain as often as you like.

What students and teachers say about Bloxxgame

Get started for free

To access all features as a teacher, choose the “Master” or “Master Education” license. You get a one-week trial period before any payment is required.


Want to learn more about Bloxxgame and how it can integrate into your classroom? Read our FAQs or contact us.

Go to the Signup page and register your email address.
Bloxxgame is not a free-ware. But you can try it out. When you register as “Free student” you can get a glimpse of Bloxxgame by going to the free playground.
If you register as “Master” or “Master Education” you have to register with your payment information. However, you have the first week free to decide if you want to pay or stop your plan.
Bloxxgame is an educational simulation game designed to teach students about blockchain technology in an engaging and interactive way. It is the first interactive teaching tool which shows the basic principles of blockchain.
Bloxxgame is primarily designed for students and educators interested in learning and teaching about blockchain technology. It can be used in classrooms, workshops, or for self-paced learning.
You do not need to install any software to use Bloxxgame as it is a browser-only application (not the Safari browser). You may prefer a larger screen on which you can see the entire playground without scrolling.
Bloxxgame has an integrated manual. In each view, you will see a question mark (?) in the top right-hand corner of each box. All relevant information for the respective context is explained there.